The vast expanse of the high seas is facing unprecedented threats. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change are pushing marine ecosystems to the brink. But there’s hope. The High Seas Treaty offers a critical opportunity to safeguard the health of our ocean and the incredible biodiversity that call the ocean home.

What is the High Seas Treaty?

The international community has crafted a historic agreement: the High Seas Treaty. The High Seas Treaty, also known as the agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction, was signed on 20 September 2023.

The High Seas Treaty provides for common international governance of marine life in the High Seas, comprising 61% of the world’s ocean. Currently, only 1% of the high seas are protected.

The road to ratification: Your voice matters

For the High Seas Treaty to become law, it must be ratified by at least 60 countries. Only 5 countries have ratified the Treaty so far- there are 55 to go! Recently, the EU has voted to ratify the treaty, which could fast track the ratification process for the 27 EU countries before the 2025 UN Ocean Conference.

By signing our petition, you’ll join a growing movement urging your government to ratify the High Seas Treaty by the end of 2025. 

Your voice matters. Together, we can send a powerful message to our leaders, highlighting the urgency of protecting our shared oceans.

Why is the High Seas Treaty important?

The high seas are teeming with life, from microscopic plankton to majestic whales. These ecosystems play a vital role in regulating our planet's climate, producing half the oxygen we breathe, and absorbing a quarter of the carbon dioxide we emit.

However, the lack of regulations in international waters means the ocean is in crisis, caused by a few key drivers:

Increased greenhouse gas emissions


Chemical, noise and plastic pollution

High shipping volumes

The High Seas Treaty: A powerful way to protect the ocean

The High Seas Treaty provides a framework for the following

Marine Protected Areas

Establishing a network of Marine Protected Areas on the high seas,  safeguarding critical habitats and spawning grounds for marine life.

Environmental Impact Assessments

Requiring environmental impact assessments for planned activities on the high seas, to minimise damage to the delicate marine environment.

Benefit Sharing

The Treaty promotes the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from marine genetic resources, so developing countries can participate in the sustainable use of these resources.

Capacity Building

Developed nations are encouraged to share knowledge and technology with developing countries to enhance their capacity for ocean conservation and sustainable use of marine resources.