There is a wealth of science pointing to the fact dolphins suffer in concrete pools. It’s time Australia phased out this cruel practice.

AFD will be joining other dedicated activists on the Gold Coast right on Sea World’s doorstep. It’s time to ramp up the pressure and call on Sea World to STOP breeding dolphins as circus animals.

Sea World is completely behind the times. They are the last remaining marine park in Australia with a captive breeding program, and have shown no signs of ending it.

There is currently a feasibility study underway in Australia to build a sanctuary for captive dolphins. Yet Sea World has been radio silent.

That’s why we need to stick it to them this Empty the Tanks Day – and ramp up the pressure to stop dolphin cruelty.

Here are three ways you can help.

Attend a protest outside Sea World

There were over 100 attendees at last year’s event outside Sea World. This year we hope to make it even bigger.  

Leave Sea World a message on social media

If you’re not able to make it to the Gold Coast, let Sea World know it’s time to end their captive breeding program via their Facebook page.

Click here to visit Sea World’s Facebook page and comment on a post asking them to ban captive breeding.  

3. Watch and share this video to spread the word

Share this video on social media with family and friends to spread the word about dolphin captivity. Let them know that performing tricks in pools has NOTHING to do with conservation.

All around the world, cities are banning animals from performing in circuses. Now it’s time to bring attention to Sea World’s dolphin shows – and make it clear captive breeding is an utterly outdated practice with no place in modern Australia.